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Answering the Lord's Call

Ministry and Mission Outreach
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Locally Based Mission

Our Board of Deacons oversees the support of a number of local help ministries, including Mercy Meals, the Rescue Mission, the Food Pantry, the Zone (an after school ministry for youth), etc. There are opportunities throughout the year to volunteer to help

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International Mission

At FPC, we have 2 major international missions with which we are closely associated. We have a sister church in Malawi -- the Kaphuta Church, and we help support Norfolk Private Schools, Malawi, a school which prepares Malawi students for study in American universities.

We also have a close personal connection to a mission in the Philippines. Marlin and Rose Jones, members of this congregation, are serving as missionaries there. Their work is largely to help the folks there to become self-sufficient through a sewing ministry.


Activities for Youth

We offer Sunday School (9:00 AM before worship) and Youth Group (every other Sunday at 4:30 PM). On a regular basis, we offer confirmation classes for youth who are seeking full membership. During the summer, we work with 2 other churches to bring Vacation Bible School to our youth. This year, VBS starts on June 26 at 5:30 PM at Trinity Episcopal Church (see What's New below). Also, there is Church Camp at our presbytery's excellent facilities at Camp Calvin Crest near Fremont, NE.

Youth are commonly involved in worship as acolytes, lay worship leaders, and in special presentations (e.g., the Christmas program).

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Locally Based Mission

Our Board of Deacons oversees the support of a number of local help ministries, including Mercy Meals, the Rescue Mission, the Food Pantry, the Zone (an after school ministry for youth), etc. There are opportunities throughout the year to volunteer to help

 Interested in learning more about one of our ministries?  Contact us via the church office (see the home page).

Answering the Lord's Call

Ministry and Mission Outreach
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Locally Based Mission

Our Board of Deacons oversees the support of a number of local help ministries, including Mercy Meals, the Rescue Mission, the Food Pantry, the Zone (an after school ministry for youth), etc. There are opportunities throughout the year to volunteer to help

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International Mission

At FPC, we have 2 major international missions with which we are closely associated. We have a sister church in Malawi -- the Kaphuta Church, and we help support Norfolk Private Schools, Malawi, a school which prepares Malawi students for study in American universities.

We also have a close personal connection to a mission in the Philippines. Marlin and Rose Jones, members of this congregation, are serving as missionaries there. Their work is largely to help the folks there to become self-sufficient through a sewing ministry.


Activities for Youth

We offer Sunday School (9:00 AM before worship) and Youth Group (every other Sunday at 4:30 PM). On a regular basis, we offer confirmation classes for youth who are seeking full membership. During the summer, we work with 2 other churches to bring Vacation Bible School to our youth. Also, there is Church Camp at our presbytery's excellent facilities at Camp Calvin Crest near Fremont, NE.

Youth are commonly involved in worship as acolytes, lay worship leaders, and in special presentations (e.g., the Christmas program).

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Holms in Malawi

Rochelle Holm manages the University of Mzuzu’s WatSan Centres, which are committed to increasing the availability of clean water and sanitation in northern Malawi and beyond. The centers are supported by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian’s Livingstonia Synod, which is a primary provider of clean water in northern Malawi. Tyler teaches theology to future pastors at the University of Livingstonia, one of the synod’s institutions. Tyler and Rochelle emphasize that Rochelle’s expertise in water and sanitation and Tyler’s skills in teaching theology are built on an unwavering passion to follow Christ’s call.

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 Jones in the Phillipines

Marlin and Rose Jones are Missionaries working in the Philippines. They assist and teach day to day living skills of the people. Their most recent being a sewing class so they can teach the locals how to sew for orphans and also as a way for them to earn money. 

 Interested in learning more about one of our ministries?  Contact us via the church office (see the home page).

(402) 371-1635

Norfolk, NE 68701, USA

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